I created my blog 2 days ago , and I was wandering what should i write to be my first post , but really after what happened yesterday i realized that i must write about the best beautiful day, mmmmmmm really it was a fantastic day (Y)(Y) and it worth to be my first post @ my blog
yesterday (11-3-2007) was the sport day @ the college .... there were 3 football matches for 3 teams @ the stadium.
I'll tell u briefly wt had happened in the champions day :)
* FCI girls wore red clothes like the color of the team clothes
(Fighters team).
* All organizers went to the college b4 the match time to organize the day (All 4th year students were organizers).
- Some people begun to write signposts (like FCI 4th, OUR LAND OUR CUP,FCI 4th year 4 ever , …. ,etc) .
- Some people draw a wonderful drawing.
- Some people went to 4u and buy Cans & water to the fighters (we7na kona hanmot mn el 3tsh :D we7na bnshg3 :D:D:D).
- Some people brought whistles, RED flags (some one brought VS 2005 flag ;) ) , RED balloons
we All went to the stadium to encourage our team (FCI 4th) , In our way from the college to the stadium we were trying to find nice name to our team Although we were sure that they will lose :$:$:D:D:D:D ( Homa ele kano mdena el seka de :D)
3) the first match :
It was between 4Th year students and 3rd year students
(awel manzlo el ml3b we2fo yetswro 2al y3ne l3eba bgd wbytsoro posters wel sa7afa ba2a :D)
I swear we tried to encourage them alottttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt
( 3la 2d ma2drna walahe wkan nfsna yksbo aweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee)
We won 2\0 By the grace of Allah and the enthusiasm of all the team members And really they played a nice game ;);)
Niceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee (Y)(Y)(Y)
After finishing the first match (After winning), there was another match between third year and first year -----------> result first year won
4) the second match:
there was the final match between the first year students and the forth year students (el abtal )
And By the grace of Allah we won the 1st year :D b darabat el targee7 :D Allahom la 7asd
bgd kan yoom gamed aweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Walahe t3ebna aweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee w kona bnshg3 omal ele kano byl3bo rabena y2wehom ba2a ( kan fen nas btl3b 7elw aweeeeeeee ;) bs el ml3b kan kber 3lehom ya 3ene yala ba2a el mohem ksebna al7amdoleleah ).
5) After finishing ba2a el matches kolha : Moze3a maghola :D:D:D 3mlt lka2 s7fe m3 el l3eba :D wel gamaher el moshg3a ele homa e7na :D Wb3d keda ro7na 3la el college :D e7tflna bel maksb wetswrna w tabadlna el tahane
El l3eeeba d7’lo el college ( by3’no oly ole ole olee :D:D:D:D ) w hayso wkan yoom gamedddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd Wetswrna wbs :) mmmmmm mesh bs awe y3ne :D kan fe 7agat tanea bs da el mo7’tsr el mofed
Thnx to all of the team members , organizers , el modeer el fane we mosa3ed el moder el fane wel e7tyate wel moshg3een w m3lshe ba2a el nas ele w23t wet7’btt al7amdoelleah enha gat 3la keda :D 3shan maknshe fe doctors :D wala ambulance wala ay 7aga.
wa7’ern a7b ahde lela3eba o3’nea :$:$ m3 en el a3’ane 7aram :s bs de 3ade ba2a
والله وعملوها الرجاله ورفعو راس مصر بلدنا
FCI 4th = “F” ighters + “C” hampions + w “I” nners +”4”ever 3la r2y w7da s7btna :D
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm,bgd kan yoom to7fa w kfaea en kolna kona m3 b3d (F)
woooow bgd kalam gamed awyy ya fatoma ;).... we fe3lan hoa kan youm to7fa gedaaaaaaaan bas aked 3lshan tashge3na :P we el 7mdolelah inhom kesbo bas dah she2 motwke3 mn dof3tna 8-)... we yaret ykon fe youm keda tany soon aw nezbat 7aga tania we 27na most3den neshga3 bardoh :D
yala c u in the next EVENTs ISA
yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :D
alf mabrooooooooooooooooook lina kolna wy million thanks ya agml nas fy agml dof3a, nrdhlko fy fr7ko wa7da wa7da isA :D
isA feeh 7aga kda isA isA isA lo ksbna el 2sbo3 el ryady kolo, pray for us :D
mabroook lena 27na b2a , kol shwaya 7d y2olhom mabrook ya w7oosh :D mashy 27na 2otat w kol 7aga bs brdo t3bna aktr mnhom , kona el konde el mkhol:D
bs bgd kano ystahlo el sandwtchat :D
msh moshkla b2a mhoma beaklo shandwtchatna f kol el r7lat , htt3wad y3ne :P
i hope 2nna n3ml yom zay dah tany msh lazm ykon feh match :D w hngeb 3ser w maya brdoo
alf alf alf mabrook l masr asdy l FCI :D w 23obal kol mara lma ntgm3 w nhyas kda tany :D
Salamo 3likom we ra7mt allaho we barakato
congratulationsssssssssssssss for all. it was a wonderful day gamed gamed gamed gdnnnnnnnnn(Y).bas low etkarr tany I think eny mesh ha2dr aroo7 ashg3 couz till now I am so tired ethad 7eelna bas el-7amdo lelah geh benatega :D.
Fe note gamda gdn 3agbtny aweeeeeee el-team elle kan beyl3b sabo el-ta5teet we kol 7aga we ra7o salo bgd rabena yekremhom.
yalla 3o2bal ma yekoon el-naga7 fe kol 7aga fe 7ayetna donia wa deen :)
i'm so sad that i didn't come that day but i'm v. happy that our beloved DOF3A did it wiz God's help.
keep smiling & keep ma3ba3d
wella waref
4th IS dept.
Al salam 3likom
first, congratulations 4 ur blog ya batta yalla shidy 7elk 3yzeen posts Gamda.
second, Alf 1000000000000000000000 Mabroook ya abttal el FCI bgd shrftona.
el yooom kan Gamed Gdn ay kalam mish hi2dr ywsfoh, kol 7agga fih kanet gamela , wel tashgeeee3 kan aktr mn to7fa el nas kolha kant btshg3 mn 2lbha bgd, kona bn7awl an soootna ywsal lel l3eeba fel mal3b el kbeeer dh 3shan mifkdosh 7mashom 7'ales wn2olhom anena m3ahom fe kol el a7wal.
Yaaaaaaaa,bgd el nas elly mgtsh ftha noss 3orha.
isA el yom el 3zeem dh ytkrr tany wnkon faizeen diman isA.
very nice words fatma , really this is a wonderful day BUT
e7na ethazmena mesh 3lshan e7na we7shien 3lshan e7na makonash mousat3din we en sha2 alah el match el gay haneksab 6.1 en sha2 alah :P:P
bas howa kan yom gamei fe3lan we ya riet yetkarr we nekon kolena ma3a ba3d :D
Al-Salamo 3likom we Rahmet Allah we Barakato
It's a bad luck not attending this day but you have brought it here.
Thanks for your post and we wait for your nice posts
Kind regards
@we2am :
thnx alot , C u soooooooon isa in a new wonderful event :)
@captain ramy :
thnx ya abo el capateen manta ma7dsh hay2dr yklmk now shklk hatseb el barmga wttgh lelkora 3shan el rayada tbooz :D , l2 bgd walahe konto 3asaseel awe :)
@Nesma :
wala tz3le ya 2ota mabrook leke entee bs ;)
ah nset a2ol nesama sakftha el krwea aktr mn ra23a :D:D kanet bts2lne fe darabat el gaza2 bt2ole kol wa7ed bydrb kam mara :D:D
@mai :
really de 7aga 3gbtne awe w 3gbt nas kter masha2 allah rabena y7rshom wymkn da el sabb en rabena krmhom da + tb3n enohom t3bo wel 7amas ele kano feh
@wala2 :
donna be sad w en sha2 allah tt3wad wtb2a fe ayam a7la mn keda :)
@wafa2 :
Thnx ya foffa w congratulation 2 ur new blog wmesh hawseke ba2a ;)
@riri :
thnxxxxxxxx and hard luck ;)
wen sha2 allah el mara el gaya tt3'lbo bardo :D
@3amer :
thnx alotttttttttt w en sha2 allah tkon m3ana fe kol el events ele b3d keda bs yarab tkon fe events 7elwa :):$
Alsalamo 3lekom
Ezyko ya shabab emostkbl besra7a kan youm gameeeeed gdn w Al7mdo lelah en e7na ksbna w rbena mdy3esh t3bna bs ya reet ytkrr bshroot eno yb2a 2oreeb 3shan elml3b b3eed w b3d shahr wla 7aga ykon elwa7ed s7to reg3t tany:D
bs wallhy kan 7elw awi w alf mabrook 3leko ya FCIwea:D
la t2oly ola wla talta da rb3a homa elfrawda:D:D:D (b3d htfat elgamheeeeeeeeeer el kamdeeeen kdn 3la rai w7da s7btna:D:P)
ah rbena ykm el l3eba elly awel ma 5lso ra7o salo w shkro rbena 3shan kda krmhom elmatch eltany Al7mdo lelah
@mariem :
da kolo 3shan konte btshg3e omal lw konte btl3be :D:D:D:D
allah ykon fe 3onhom ba2a ;)
ya bnty kol wa7ed s7to 3la 2do:D:D:D w b3deen daymn a2lko rbena mdeko els7a de amana w lazem n7afez 3la ela2mana w nsonha:D:D
@ batoty
i just want to tell u that u are not batoty any more , 2nty bata ingeneral b3d keda :@
w b3deen ana h3rf mnen mho kolhom fr7nen bl kora w 3mleh ydrbo f gone mlosh shbka asasn , da 27na msh kona bns2f 2la lma ramy y2ol da7'lt :D
:( keda maraim el 2oz3a btd7k 3lia :'( mashy
@NeZma :D
b2a ana 2oz3a :@:@ mashy ya 3m elzrafa la2 enty elly bt5bty f els2f wenty mashia
mashy ya NeZma ya om capital N :D:D:D
@ Mariam
first , capital N with S msh Z
second , 2nty ah ele tl3k mn gowa? 2mshy 2d7'oly namy w bokra tege t2olele sorry el sob7 w tfkrene bt2oly sorry 3la ah 3lshan aked msh hb2a fkra , asl ana 2leta:D,
:D bosy nt7'an2 bra7a ok?
@ batoty a7'r mara
bosy , h3ml nfsy z3lana 3lshan 2nty 2tre2ty 3lia bs ana msh z3lana y3ne bs mt2olesh l 7ad , w mshy mariam deh mn hena a7sn aftsha
tb3an ana 3rfa 2ny hdrb bokra :D
w ht3l2 mn el kotchy fl kolya bs msh moshkla keda keda hdrb 7'las
@neZma :D:P
a elly tl3k mn gwa:D:D da 3la asas en 7d 2lk en far be7bsony f 2fs wla 7aga tania 3'er elfar :D:D
w b3deen a2olk sorry w afkrk kman 3mla feha 3m 3bdo elmohm :D:D:D la2 w 3bdo el2leet kman mashy ya neZma ana mosh hasbor 3leky lelsob7 asln 7sbna 3la msn b2a:D:D 3shan batta hatswt 3la elblog bt3ha:D
@ nesma :
7'alas okay ya nesma ew3a t2ole l7d ba2a enk z3lana keda wkeda:) wana hage a3ml ene basl7k bokra fel college :D
@ memo & nesma :
hwa ana lesa haswt :S:S:S kfaea aboos edekom :D:D
72kom 3lea ana ele 3'altana :D:D:D
Slamo 3laykom.
First, mabroooooooooooooooooooooooooook 3la e blog :) we 7aga gmda ya tota en 2wel post yekon gamed mooooooot keda ;)
second, congratulatiooooooooooon 4 FCI 4th year(El woo7osh :d:d ),bgad kan yom gamed taaaaaa7n(y),bsra7a ana fel 2wel kont motrdeda agy wala l2 3shan kont 3rfa enohom hy5saro:s:s:s,bs 2olt aro7 we 5las. bs el 7mdo llah 5yebo zany we 3mloha el regala :d:dwe yalla b2a 3yzeen yom tany zay da bsor3aaaaaa 3sha nro7 nshag3 a7la dof3a;) 2bl mnmshy :'(:'(
we fel 25er a7eb ashkor el moder el fany wel orgnizer ll fare2 :D:d:d wtb3n mnensash agmal moshg3eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen fel donia ;);)
@ shaimaa :
w3likom elsalam w ra7mt allah w barakato
thnxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :$:$
we en sha2 allah ykoon fe ayam ktera 7elwa keda mesh yoom wa7ed bs :$ :)
wbgd dof3tna de zay el 3asl ;):)
Hiiiiii Congratulations to fare2 el we7osh el gamed homaa we7osh fi le3bhom we dayman raf3een rasna :D ellhamdullah 3shan nesyb basmaa kowysa before we leave the college begad kan youm gamed although i didnot attend the whole match bas kan gamed and i hope we hold many events like this ya a7la dof3a :)
momken na7'od 7alawyat we 7agat keda we nero7 el mal3ab ma3 ba3d haykon bardo gameeeeeeeeeeeeeeed mesh lazem el match :D el mohen e7na nekon ma3 ba3d momken bardo el Zoo ...Nesma kan nefsahaa tero7 henak :D
mabrooooook le a7la dof3a we a7la la3ben we a7laa moshg3een we ana kaman :D Nice blog batot :)
Mabroooooook 3alla el Blog el gded ya batta.... we mabroook lenaa 3alal el maksb :D.... bgd ana kan nfsy a7dr el yoom da ma3ako.... sm3t enno kan yoom gameed f3ln.... we ente ba2a bkalamk da ... ba2eet sure enno kan yoom gameed f3ln.. :D
3alla fkra ente momken tesebk mn el 7warat bt3tnaa de we tb2ee sa7fyaaa shaklk bt3rfee tktbee kwys :D:D:D.. nasy7a mnne leeke ya bentee ... el72ee nafsk :D
mmmmmm... a2ol a? tany a2ol a? tany.... ahh 3ayzeeen ba2a nshoof posts gamda kda .. waryna el mawhba el sa7fyaa dee :D:D..
A7med Elsha3er
@ el sha3er :
first thnx yahmed (F).wm3lshe mesh tz3l en sha2allah tt3awd el marat el gaya fe events ktera 7elwaaaaaa
wmabrook lena kolna f3ln 3la el maksb kaman 2day kan fe rest lelbanat wgatle el a7'bar enohom kesbo :)f3wzen daymn nksb ba2a de a7'er sana lena :D
wb7'sos el modo3 bta3 el sa7afa da momken el wa7ed yfkr :$:$ aho ar7m mn ele bnshofo :D thnx 4 ur advice
wen sha2 allah tkon fe posts 7elwa ktera :)
Congratulations about the bloog fatoma
Your really sooooo sweeeeeeet
Yeah It was really so funny intersting day I also want to say it was the frist time in my life to attend a football match aslan i hate football
but i enjoyed being with my colliges and friends and encruging our team
@ samora :
thnx ya gamela (F):$:$:$
& we all enjoyed :$:'(
@ kimo :
thnx kimo (F) wana kaman walahe hope aweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :) en sha2 allah :D
thnxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx again :)(F)(F)
wallahi ya gama3ah dah kan yom gameel --kona 2srah wa7dah fy kol 7agah fy el le3 weltashgy3..we kman hossam shamardan madash el quiz..7atah IS fer7oo 2weyyyy..
Mubraoooooooooooook lokol talabet rab3ah
@ ahmed mubarak :
yes el yoom masha2 allah kan gameeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel :) wkolna f3ln walahe kon a7sen enna osra w7da (Y)
wwalahe 7ta lw mesh kan l3'a el quiz bardo makonash hanroo7 :D mesh far2a kteer e7na asln 3rfna eno etl3'a b3d mafatet sa3a mn el lect :D
w hope en el ayam kolha tb2a 7elwa wa2olokom ser 7'ateeeeer de awel mara f3ln a7s beltrabot da wel 7ob da ben dof3tna ana dymn kont bal2eha mesh motrbta wde kanet 7aga bt7'no2ne mnha:$:$ kont ba7s el nas mesh btsharek el nas fe 7aga wala el far7an nfr7 m3ah wala ele z3lan nhwn 3leh kont ba7s en kol 7d m3 nafso :S bs mn el wade7 en el nas et3'yaret gamedddddd
bgdd eldof3a de b2et zay el 3asl hope enha tb2a keda 3la toooooooool ;) wbgd ba7bha aweeeeeeeee :)(F)
rabena may7rmne mnkom ya fciawea ;)
السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته
ألف مليون مبرووووك على البلوج ودايما كده يارب نكون مشركين بعض فى افرحنا وبرضه فى احزانا _ وتكون قليلة أن شاء الله _
ومبروك لكليتنا ودايما كده يارب منتصرين فى جميع المجالات
واكيد هنتقابل تانى فى مواضيع جامده موت
وكل بلوج وانت بخير
واه كل سنه وانت طيبه وعقبال مليون سنه
HaPpy BiRtHdAy , F A T M A
محمد إبراهيم الدسوقى
Congratulation Fatma (first post) .
3ala fekra al fare2 beta3e fe3lan kan mo7bat 2bl al match , laken befdle ana (ana modareb al team ), wa befadl twgehate kesbo al botola :D:D .
@ mohammed :
3likom elsalam w ra7mt allah w barkato :)
thnx ya mo7amed rabena ykrmk :)
wyaraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaab isa nksb botolat kteera wykoon fe events ktera 7elwa f3ln :) &
wmerci aweeeeeeeeeeeeee 3la " Happy birthday" (F) wkol sana wenta tayb wel FCIawe kolhom tybeen w b7'er ens ah2 allah (F)
@ 3essawe :
first : thnx 4 ur congratulation :) (F)
second : f3ln ana kont ml7za en el fare2 bta3k :D:D mo7bt shwea bs yabne al7amdoelleah dol kesbo bbaraket do3a el waldeen w do3ana :D
awel mal match bad2 2oltlhom masha2 allah b3d makano byl3bo b kora sharab fel share3 :D b2o yl3bo fe stade kora w kbeer 11 l3eeb wel sra7a wade7 2d a el l3eba kanet modrba (l3ebtak :D)w homa mesh 2dreen yl3bo wala ygroo :D asl el ml3b kan kbeer awe 3lehom ya 3ene
wtb3n man2drshe nnkr fadlak fe el fooz da enta 7ta kont btlf el track ganbohom 3shan tshg3hom ygroo :D
l2 bgd el mwkef ele kan gamed f3ln masha2 allah 3lekom ama w2fto tslo gama3a wmomken ykoon da sabb mn el asbab ele kasbtko mesh twgehatak tb3n :D:P
but finally : we enjoyed this day & all of u were (Y)(Y)(Y)(Y)
سلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
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